Know About the Types of Sentences based on Structure


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Introduction to the 4 types of sentences based on structure:

Are you learning English? Then, you must know about the types of sentences based on structure. It is crucial to spot sentences by keeping their structures in mind. Hence, are you ready to dive into the world of sentence types in terms of structure? Read on the post thoroughly. 

What Are The Sentence Types Based On Structure?

Simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, and compound-complex sentence are the four types of sentences based on structure. 

Simple Sentence Structure

The first type of sentence based on structures is the simple sentence. Although it is easy to spot simple sentences, it can be often trickier. The simplest way to spot and form a simple sentence is that it must have only one independent clause. The simple sentence does not contain any dependent or subordinate clause. 

The independent clause can convey the complete meaning of a sentence and can stand on its own, unlike the dependent clause. 

Let us check out some examples of the simple sentence:

Nikita prefers coffee.

Our team won the match. 

He is a renowned painter. 

Now, take a look at some of the tricky examples of the simple sentence:

Nikita and her friend went to the zoo last Sunday. 

Mr. Ray prefers salad but avoids fast food.

The first sentence above is an example of a simple sentence with a compound subject. Here, the subject comes with two or more simple subjects (“Nikita” and “her friend” here). 

The second sentence above is about a simple sentence with a compound predicate. It comes with a compound predicate. “Mr. Ray” is the subject here. What are the two verbs here? The answer is “prefers” and “avoids.” 

Compound Sentence Structure

Recognizing and structuring compound sentences is quite easy. Such sentences consist of two or above independent clauses. A comma, semicolon, or coordinating conjunctions (or coordinators) act as the bridge between the independent clauses. There is no concept of the dependent clause in the compound sentence. 

How can you memorize each of the coordinators?


It is as follows: 

F= For

A= And

N= Nor

B= Boys

O= Or

Y= Yes

S= So 

Some examples: 

Nikita prefers coffee, but Meena prefers tea. (With comma and coordinating conjunction)

Nikita prefers coffee; Meena prefers tea. (With semicolon)

I know why you were absent yesterday – you were out of station. (Using a dash)

Complex Sentence Structure

The concept of the complex sentence is quite straightforward. It comes with one independent clause and one dependent clause. 

An independent clause can stand on its own whereas a dependent clause cannot convey the complete thought of a sentence. A relative pronoun (who, which, where, when, that, whose, etc) or a subordinating conjunction (because, although, since, until, once, if, before, after, etc). 

Some examples: 

Robin could not attend the function because he is busy with studies. 

Although the place was new for us, the people were very welcoming. Note that, you need to add a comma after the dependent clause if it comes first than its independent counterpart. Do not add a comma in the reverse situation. 

We could not go to the picnic since it was raining heavily. 

Until she comes home, do not go outside. 

Sometimes, it can be tricky to differentiate between compound and complex sentences. Remember, compound sentences do not contain any dependent clause. 

Compound-Complex Sentence Structure

The term “compound-complex” implies a combination of the compound sentence and the complex sentence. A compound-complex sentence must contain at least one dependent clause and at least two independent clauses. 

Take a look at the examples below:

Tulip is not coming for the rehearsal today because it is her birthday, and she is going out of town with her family. 

Although he is a great singer, he could not perform well today, so he is preparing hard for tomorrow’s show. 

Apart from dependent clause and independent clauses, at least one conjunction (because, until, since, although, etc) and one coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, etc) must be there to bridge between clauses in the complex-compound sentence. 

Now, you can spot and form different types of sentences based on structures with ease.